11th February 2025, Internet 1:00pm GMT
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CND campaigns to rid the world of nuclear weapons – the most powerful and toxic weapons ever created, threatening all forms of life.
We work with all people who believe in peace, justice and a nuclear-free future.
Nuclear war and climate chaos threaten the planet. The escalating costs of war and nuclear weapons divert billions away from urgent climate action.
Join the movement campaigning for a peaceful, sustainable planet powered by renewable energy.
Governments are increasing money for war and nuclear weapons while cutting funding for essential public services and jobs that benefit everyone.
Help us redirect the money to where it’s really needed.
Join us at the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) Salisbury local group.
There has never been a better time to do so.
Campaign actively for a sustainable future in a nuclear-free world. ( Please use the Resources tab at the top of the page to find subscription details or click here https://www.cndsalisbury.org.uk/uploads/resources/data/4/original_CND_Membership_form_2022.pdf?16463…)
Become better informed about nuclear issues and learn more about Trident and the options for spending about £205 billion.
Watch our film of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float 2024 here
Salisbury CND’s Hiroshima Day 2024 Candle Float Video
Watch our film of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float 2023 here:
Video of Salisbury CND Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float, 2023
2022’s candle float video is here:
Watch our latest webinar on the Military influences on UK Nuclear Power decisions: https://youtu.be/cs0zhZ1RAvM
Keep abreast of developments involving the UN Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons, which entered into force on January 22nd 2021. For information on the new UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, click the following link: https://www.cndsalisbury.org.uk/news_items/910-salisbury-cnd-celebrates-the-entry-into-force-of-the-...
Watch our Webinar held on 25th February 2021 on this topic. Click on this link to watch the webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHqL1OS2og0&feature=youtu.be
If you would like to catch up on the recent online Rally organised by National CND, following the announcement of a more than 40% increase in Trident warheads click on the following link. https://www.cndsalisbury.org.uk/news_items/1182-catch-up-on-cnds-online-rally
Do write to the Prime Minister expressing your views, via this link:https://cnd.eaction.org.uk/timetoscraptridentnow
If you would like to watch our film of the 2020 Hiroshima Day Candle Float, please click on the link below:
Salisbury CND Hiroshima Day Candle Float 2020
And our 2021 film is available via the link below:
Sign the petition to scrap Trident
Our activities include local awareness and fundraising events, demonstrations and blockades (including Aldermaston and Burghfield) and peace education in schools. Do have a look through the tabs at the top of the page to see recent news and forthcoming events, etc.
You can make a difference. Together we can help make a safe, nuclear-free world for our children.
Do visit our Facebook page
This website benefits greatly from inputs from Nigel Day, Oxford CND, and from Rachel Western. Their continued inputs and information are warmly acknowledged.
Also, please take a look at National CND’s website and join them too to strengthen our movement at this critical time.