Event Date: 28th November 2024
Location: Internet 4:00 - 5:00pm GMT
WEBINAR: “Nuclear Deterrence – Guarantee of or Threat to our Security“
Please join us in this webinar organized by ICAN, IDN & Mayors for Peace Europe.
With the increased tensions and re-apperance of war in Europe the term “nuclear deterrence” is heard more often in public discourse. The speakers will discuss whether it is realistic today to base the security of a country on the theory of deterrence. Is it possible to argue that the world has been spared a nuclear war since 1945 due to nuclear deterrence? Could nuclear deterrence fail and what would be the result of such a failure?
Below you will find the program and the link for registration.
We hope to see you on the 28th!
Mayors for Peace – Xarxa d’Alcaldes/ses per la Pau
Ajuntament de Granollers