“Lakenheath - another Greenham? Making ourselves a target”

Event Date: 18th February 2025
Location: Internet 8pm

APG meeting February 18th

Our February Zoom meeting will help highlight what is going on at Lakenheath in Suffolk, where US nuclear weapons are expected to be based this year. A Peace Camp will be from Monday 14th April to Friday 25th April 2025, followed by direct action on Saturday 26th April. Read more on Lakenheath Alliance for Peace’s website: https://lakenheathallianceforpeace.org.uk/

We are delighted to say that our speaker on Tuesday February 18th at 8pm will be Sophie Bolt, the new(ish) General Secretary of National CND, following the retirement of Kate Hudson. Spread the word, and please join in and make this Zoom a success! Poster below


Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.