Event Date: 16th January 2025
Location: Internet 18:00 GMT
The Scientists Who Alerted Us to the Dangers of Radiation, a new book by Ian Fairlie and Beyond Nuclear’s Cindy Folkers, will have its Canadian book launch and webinar, hosted by Canadian advocacy groups on Thursday, January 16 noon – 1 ET. Both authors will be present for discussion and questions. This book reveals that the harmful effects of radiation exposure are more pervasive and worse than thought; and that these impacts have been known or suspected for decades but suppressed by nuclear technology proponents. It explains radiation in easy-to-grasp language that clarifies its dangers and risks. Anyone who ever wondered about radiation should read the book and attend this webinar, especially with the current push for more nuclear power in the face of the climate crisis. The webinar co-hosted by: Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Nuclear Waste Watch, Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB) and the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.