'Security not Trident': CND's latest webinar

Event Date: 19th November 2020
Location: Internet 7pm-8pm

Register for ‘Security not Trident’: CND’s latest webinar

The last few months have turned the world upside down. The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives in an unprecedented fashion and it is clear there can be no going back to the way things were before. This is the time for a new vision of society, and nuclear weapons have no part in it.

It is striking how many of today’s security threats are actually non-military, so it’s time to think about security in a new way.

To coincide with the re-launch of CND’s Security not Trident report, join us to discuss what is real security in the 21st century? With guest speakers Diana Francis (Rethinking Security council); Richard Norton-Taylor (writer and former Guardian defence and security editor); and Phil Webber (Chair of Scientists for Global Responsibility). Chaired by CND General Secretary Kate Hudson.

Register here

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