Invitation to participate in a Twitterstorm regarding the increase in military spending

Event Date: 30th November 2020
Location: 2pm

I am the Peace & Disarmament Programme Manager at the Quakers in Britain.

I am writing to invite you to participate in and publicise a twitterstorm which the Global Action on Military Spending UK (GCOMS UK) has set up for Monday 30th November at 2pm in response to the recent government announcement that it will increase military spending by £24bn over the next four years.


Below is some suggested publicity for the twitterstorm.


A twitterstorm has been set up by the Global Campaign on Military Spending UK (GCOMS) for Monday 30th November at exactly 2pm with the hashtag #UKDefundWar . Below is one suggested message:  



The pledge to increase UK military spending by £24 billion in the midst of COVID 19, economic and climate crises is a deeply damaging and worrying decision. A new arms race does not make us safe. #UKDefundWar



By taking part in this twitterstorm, you can help to spread the anti-militarist message far and wide. It is important that the hashtag isn’t used ahead of Monday at 2pm, as that could reduce the chances of it trending on Twitter and reaching new audiences.  


A meme will be prepared by GCOMS on Friday. Feel free to make adjustments and variations to the messaging (variety could be useful) but make sure to use the unique #UKDefundWar hashtag, since the same hashtag needs to be used by everyone for this to stand a chance of becoming a trending topic on Twitter.



In twitterstorms as in other things, unity is strength, so I hope you can support this effort to spread the anti-war and anti-militarist message to new audiences.


In peace,




Daniel Jakopovich

Peace and Disarmament Programme Manager

Quaker Peace and Social Witness


Quakers in Britain

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.