Nuclear Ban: virtual lobby of parliament!

Event Date: 14th January 2021
Location: Internet

Nuclear Ban: virtual lobby of parliament!

On January 22nd, a new treaty that outlaws nuclear weapons will come into force.
We need you to lobby your MP to help build support for it.
 Contact your MPThe Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is supported by the vast majority of countries globally. It is a historic step towards the total abolition of nuclear weapons.

Yet shamefully, the UK government says it will never sign, and refused to participate in any of the talks that led to the treaty.

That’s why we need you to lobby your MP to put pressure on the government in the days running up to the TPNW coming into force.

Contact your MP to request a meeting, and we’ll be in touch soon with information about the TPNW to help out. Contact your MP

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.