The Wellbeing of Future Generations

Event Date: 20th April 2021
Location: Internet 8pm

Dear Peace Group supporter,

We are excited about our meeting this month, and think you might want to invite your friends and contacts to join us too! To be held on Zoom at 8pm on Tuesday 20th April, “The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill: how to create long-term security for our world” promises to tell us about something entirely new.

The “Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill” is a Private Members Bill put forward by a cross-party campaign powered by The Big Issue and led by Big Issue Founder, Lord Bird MBE, with Caroline Lucas. If passed, it will require every government decision, whether local or national, to consider the likely effects on future generations. Just imagine how good that would be!

Our speaker, Priya Shivaram will tell us how it started and how we can get involved.

Wales already has such a bill, which means that every decision at whatever level of government from local to national, has to show that it has taken into account the effects of the decision on generations hence. This is the way to true sustainability, and Wales is rightly hailed as a model for this new way of building long-term thinking into legislation.

Here are the details of the Zoom meeting: Feel free to forward it to your contacts by email, but please don’t publicise the zoom details on social media. Thanks!


Topic: Abingdon Peace Group monthly meeting

Time: 8pm Tuesday 20th April


Join Zoom Meeting

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.