Realistic Human Security

Event Date: 30th November 2021
Location: Internet 5pm GMT

Oxford Union and the emerging Human Security framework

Tuesday November 30, 5pm UK time

On March 1, 1985, the Oxford Union hosted an historic debate between David Lange, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Rev. Jerry Falwell, USA TV evangelist and Moral Majority founder, on the topic Nuclear Weapons are Morally Indefensible.”

The debate, which Lange won to the surprise of the pundits, projected the Prime Minister and New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy onto the global political platform, and demonstrated the potential influence of the prestigious Oxford Union Debate (Click here for a short video excerpt from the speech).

On 30 November, this year (2021) Jonathan Granoff and Jane Goodall will feature in an Oxford Union Debate on Human Security – a feasible and necessary alternative to security based on the theat or use of force and in particular the morally indefensible nuclear weapons.


Realistic Human Security

Online, Tuesday November 30, 5pm UK time
Register for the Oxford Union Debate on Human Security

The Human Security approach

The development of human security approaches are becoming increasingly important as traditional approaches to security through national defence and military preparation fail to address the most pressing threats to humanity, such as climate change, pandemics, poverty & food supply, ocean sustainability etc…

Mr Granoff and Ms Goodall are pioneers and practitioners in Human Security, and are at the cutting edge of international developments including through the UN Our Common Future agendaand the Human Security framework.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.