Tom Unterrainer (new chair of National CND): How the government has contravened the Non Proliferation treaty

Event Date: 2nd February 2022
Location: Internet 7:30 pm GMT

This is to remind you about our West Midlands CND Zoom meeting tomorrow.The Zoom codes are pasted below. Tom Unterrainer (new chair of National CND) was originally going to speak at our last meeting but could not do so at the last minute due to an emergency so we are pleased that he is able to come tomorrow. He will speak for about 15 minutes followed by questions and discussion. He will initially focus on how the government has contravened the Non Proliferation treaty in the last year, so that CND has reported it to the President of the forthcoming NPT conference (which has unfortunately been postponed due to Covid). However please feel free to ask him about and discuss any other matters relevant to CND. This part of the meeting will last 45-60 minutes followed by more routine business, including discussion of our campaign to get councillors to sign a pledge supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

If you prefer you are welcome to come to only the first part of the meeting .

Gillian Cox is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: West Midlands CND meeting
Time: Feb 2, 2022 07:30 PM London

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