Event Date: 17th May 2022
Location: Internet 8pm
Colin Archer
War, Law and Cash
Colin will address a number of issues under the title ‘War, Law and Cash’. The Ukraine crisis has raised a huge number of questions, which are dividing both the international community in general and the peace movement. Among these are: the right of self-defence; the meaning of solidarity; and the experience of empire and humiliation. Tough challenges for those in the neighbourhood include: how to prosecute war crimes? how far to go with sanctions? and most crucial of all: how to avoid a nuclear confrontation? One key dimension is : What is the role of the UN in all this?
Colin will give special attention to the rise in military spending, both worldwide and in the UK, and will outline the work of the Global Campaign on Military Spending, which he had a hand in founding
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/91315134101
pwd=RmxHLzBQaXlHYjFSRm5nREVzYjdSdz09 Meeting ID: 913 1513