Event Date: 28th June 2022
Location: Intenet
Civil Resistance in the Ukraine War. German language with simultan English translation
Dear all,
As you will see, I’ve been asked to translate this very interesting message inviting us to register for an online meeting tomorrow evening (ie Tuesday). Alas, I don’t really have the time to do more than give a few key points.
Title: civil resistance in the Ukraine war
Date and time: 28 June from 19.00 to 20.30 CET – do bear in mind that Germany is one hour ahead of us.
Jurij Scheljashenko / Юрій Шеляженко, Український Рух Пацифістів / Ukrainische Pazifistische Bewegung-(Ukraine Pacifist movement)
Benjamin Isaak-Krauß, Pastor der Mennonitischen Friedenskirche Frankfurt und Friedens-und Konfliktforscher (Frankfurt Mennonite Pastor and peace and conflict researcher)
Organised by a working group composed on representaives from:n
There will be simultaneous translation; to sign up go frieden<at>zentrum-oekumene.deI suggest if you don’t fancy the Mark Twain experience of the German language that you write a simple email in English.
I hope this gives you some useful informatiion
Best wishes
Mike Bloom, Abingdon Peace Group newsletter editor
and from
Secretary, Abingdon Peace Group
01235 526265 or 07786 055195
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