Nuclear arms control, disarmament, and the future of the NPT

Event Date: 29th September 2022
Location: Internet 17:00

British Pugwash webinar invite 29/09: Nuclear arms control, disarmament, and the future of the NPT


You are invited to join British Pugwash for our latest webinar on 29th September at 17:00.

UK Ambassador Aidan Liddle and Dr Rebecca Johnson will be speaking on the current challenges involving nuclear arms control and disarmament. Chairing the meeting is Peter Jenkins, Chair of British Pugwash.

You will have the opportunity to pose questions to our expert panel.

Sign up via the Eventbrite page to receive a zoom link for the webinar.

We look forward to seeing you then.

NB You can join British Pugwash here to keep up to date with all our activities.

Tim Street


British Pugwash


Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.