Pushing for Peace at the TUC

Event Date: 5th September 2023
Location: Internet 6pm

At this year’s TUC congress a resolution will be debated that calls for increasing the west’s support for the war effort in Ukraine. Last year a resolution calling for increased arms spending narrowly passed at Congress, this new resolution goes even further. If it passes the TUC will hold a position that aligns with the most pro-war elements of the British government.


As StW’s deputy president Andrew Murray says, ‘the motion is a call for the trade unions to align in support of the most hard-line elements among Nato policy-makers and push for the war to continue until Russian surrender.’


It is crucial that trade unionists and the anti-war movement unite and push for peace negotiations in Ukraine rather than further escalation of the war.


Stop the War is calling on all trade unionists to help oppose this resolution. In advance of the TUC Congress we are hosting a zoom rally to explain why the trade union movement should oppose the Tory backed escalation and how you can help our campaign. The rally is on 5 September at 6pm, it will be introduced by three leading figures in the movement, former Unite official Andrew Murray, national officer of the NEU Louise Regan and Sean Vernell from the UCU national executive. We urge you to come along.

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