National Demonstration: Nakba 76 – End The Genocide – Stop Arming Israel

Event Date: 18th May 2024
Location: London

Stop the War Coalition 

18 May – National Demonstration

Nakba 76 – End The Genocide – Stop Arming Israel

The brutal attacks on Gaza continue despite the pressure for a ceasefire and the growing isolation of Israel.

The movement here continues to grow. After another brilliant national demonstration on Saturday there were Mayday protests for Palestine around the country and students in universities are starting to take action.

The coalition organising the protests has called another National Demonstration on Saturday 18 May to mark the anniversary of the Nakba when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced off their land to make way for the Israeli state, and to step up our demands for an end to the genocide and to the arming of Israel.

We urge all our supporters to start organising now to make this the biggest possible display of solidarity with the people of Gaza.

As well as sharing the event far and wide on social media, please book transport from outside the capital and start organising leafleting sessions everywhere!


Leaflets will be available from the Stop the War office on Friday. We can send them around the country, please rush in your orders.