CND Conference 2024

Event Date: 5th October 2024
Location: Saturday 5 October – CND’s online AGM and Policy Conference

Dear CND Groups, Areas, Regions, Nations, Specialist Sections and Affiliates,

We look forward to welcoming you to CND’s AGM and Policy Conference. This year the AGM and Policy Conference will be held online on Saturday 5 October.

Saturday 5 October – CND’s online AGM and Policy Conference
The AGM makes key decisions on CND’s governance, including elections for Officers and directly elected Council members. Our campaigning activities are reviewed at the AGM, but important decisions are also made on our finances, such as the consideration of a finance report and the appointment of auditors. This is a relatively short, business-like meeting, to start the day.

Having ensured all key matters around elections, finance and annual reports are concluded we continue with policy debates centred on motions submitted by groups and members. This is our Policy Conference that provides members with the important opportunity to decide our overall direction for the coming year so please do encourage as many of your groups or members as possible to join and contribute!

Pre-Conference Timetable
Nominations for Officer and directly elected National Council positions
31st July
Submitting resolutions
31st July
Accepting Nominations for Officer and directly elected National Council positions
27th August
Deadline for amendments to ordinary resolutions, deadline for special resolutions (constitutional amendments)
8th September
Registering for AGM and conference
27th September
Submitting emergency resolutions
30th September

Registration Fees
This year there will be no registration fee for the AGM and policy conference,

Information about CND AGM and Policy Conference

Who can participate?
CND Groups, Areas, Regions, Nations, Specialist Sections and Affiliates are all entitled to send delegates to CND conference and AGM. Individual members are also eligible to participate. All those voting at the AGM must be company members of CND (a legal obligation because CND is a company limited by guarantee). Company member forms (where you agree to pay £1 if CND is wound up) for individuals and organisations as well as registration forms can be found on the conference website.
The number of delegates eligible to attend conference and the number of votes to which your group is entitled will be emailed to groups in late September by the Supporter Database Manager. The number of company members in your group determines your voting entitlement at conference. To maximise your votes, make sure as many of your members as possible are company members as well as members of CND by 8 September.

Please send nominations for Officers and directly elected Council members to [email protected]. Please provide contact details for your nominees (a current email address is enormously helpful) and your own contact details, including email addresses where possible. We will confirm receipt of your nomination by email; if you don’t hear from us within 3 working days, please send it in again.

Please email resolutions to [email protected]. We will confirm receipt of your resolution by email; if you don’t hear from us within 3 working days, please send it in again.

If you are submitting a resolution, please provide contact details for a representative available to agree compositing during the two weeks from 31 July, but particularly in the first week of August.

Registration deadline
Please help our team by registering as early as possible for Conference. The final deadline for registration is 27th September.

Further Help
We hope that the information in this mailing will help you play an active role. If these procedures are unclear, please contact us using the details below and we will be happy to clarify them or talk you through any points. As more information becomes available, we will also be updating the website at

Contact details
Please send enquiries by email if possible to: [email protected]
Write to: CAWG, Mordechai Vanunu House, 162 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DQ
Telephone: Ask for Kirsty Stewart or Kate Hudson on 020 7700 2393

Yours in peace,

Sophie Bolt, Katy West and Hannah Tweddell

CAWG (Conference Arrangements Working Group)

Dear CND Groups, Areas, Regions, Nations, Specialist Sections and Affiliates,


This mailing contains the motions that have been submitted for Conference and which are open for amendment (by member organisations only, not individuals). Standing Orders state that “representative organisations and affiliates of CND may each submit up to two amendments to the resolutions on the Interim Agenda. In selecting amendments to go onto the Final Agenda the CAWG shall operate under the same rules and guidelines as for the resolutions. No amendment shall be selected which introduces new matter outside the scope of the resolution, or which negates the sense of the whole resolution, or which lengthens the resolution by more than 50 words.”


Any amendments must be sent to [email protected] by 12 noon on Sunday 8th September.


Important deadlines to note




Amendments to ordinary motions

8th September 12 noon

Nomination of Organisational Representatives

23rd September 12 noon

Emergency Resolutions

30th September 12 noon

Conference registration


Please register for the conference by 12 noon on Friday 27th September.

The AGM and policy conference are both taking place online on Saturday 5th October. There is no charge for attending but you need to register via the form on our website.

These events will be followed by an in-person public conference in London on Saturday 12th October, entitled: A new agenda for peace and justice: its time is now.

For further information about our AGM and policy conference, as well as the public event, please see the website, and if you have further queries, please contact us by email at[email protected].


Yours in peace,


The Conference Team.

CND Conference resolutions

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.