National March for Palestine: Tell Starmer....Stop arming Israel End Genocide

Event Date: 3rd August 2024
Location: London, Park Lane to Whitehall

Today, hundreds of us have been in Parliament to speak with the new intake of MPs. Next Saturday, we will fill the streets of London once again. We must keep the pressure up. Will you join us on Saturday 3 August when we march from Park Lane to Whitehall?
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Last week, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s occupation is unlawful and also found Israel to be guilty of violating the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. Palestinians have long known this to be true, but it nevertheless must mark a turning point in the Palestinian struggle for liberation.  

Western governments, including Britain, that have so far sought to justify and excuse Israel’s genocidal violence and system of apartheid, now have no legal fictions to hide behind.  

Today we told MPs that a change of government must also signal a change of policy and direction. Click below to see the video of our national lobby day.

Click to watch

Whether we are inside parliament lobbying MPs or marching through the streets in our hundreds of thousands, our message to the government is the same. We demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to the arms trade with Israel, and for Israeli leaders to be held to account for their violations of international law.  

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Join us on Saturday 3 August at 12noon on Park Lane when we take our demands back onto the streets of London.

In solidarity,

Peter Leary,

Deputy Director, PSC

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.