No to the Telford Arms Fair

Event Date: 20th November 2024
Location: Telford

We will be gathering in nonviolent protest on Wednesday 20th November to show our opposition to the SDSC-UK arms fair at the Telford International Centre.  

There will be rolling activities during the day with time for a picnic, watch this space for the schedule.

GET INVOLVED : to have updates about our next planning meeting please contact us


No to the Telford Arms Fair! Protest on 20th November 2024

The SDSC Arms Fair plans to return to Telford International Centre in November (18-20th)

This arms fair, full name Specialist Defence & Security Convention UK, focuses on military equipment for front-line infantry soldiers.

It will include exhibitors from a number of arms companies, including those deeply complicit in the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, such as:

  • Elbit Systems - manufacturer of bombs, mortars and drones, and Israel’s largest privately held arms company

  • L3 Harris - maker of surveillance, night vision and targeting equipment and supplier of bomb release mechanisms for Israel’s F35 aircraft, which has been confirmed as being involved in the deaths of civilians in Gaza

  • Ultra Electronics has been granted numerous arms export licences to Israel by the UK Government and has been involved in the development of the F35 warplane.

Stop SDSC-UK, a coalition of groups from Quakers, CAAT, Extinction Rebellion, Palestine Solidarity groups and others will be saying no to this dreadful arms fair.

Join the protest on 20th November. Save the date! More more details to follow.

Telford International Centre should be where people go to enjoy fun events like bicycle or model shows, concerts or pantomimes: it should not be involved in death and destruction. This arms fair was chased out of Malvern, when it was called UKDSE. We can tell this arms fair it is not welcome in Telford!

Get involved!

Sign up to the mailing list by emailing:

Join the Whatsapp group here

You may also like to check out the Stop SDSC website!

More information to follow – email [email protected] if you want to request updates.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.