Sizewell C and its impact on fish

Posted: 29th April 2021

More than 500 million fish, including protected species, could be sucked

into the cooling system of a proposed £20bn nuclear power plant in Suffolk
if construction goes ahead, environmental campaigners say. A local campaign
group, Together Against Sizewell C (Tasc), claims the subsequent deaths of
millions of fish is “inhumane and unacceptable” and flies in the face
of the government’s green agenda. Also opposing the development, the bird
conservation group RSPB expressed concern over predicted levels of fish
loss on the marine birds that feed on them. The Centre for Environment,
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), a government agency, has
assessed the marine impacts of the plant and said it was confident the
mortality rates caused by Sizewell C would be “sustainable” and the
impact on the wider marine community “insignificant”. Planning
documents published by EDF have revealed that almost 8 million fish were
“impinged” – or sucked into the cooling system – by the existing
plant Sizewell B each year between 2009 and 2013. Extrapolating from these
figures, Tasc has estimated that 28 million fish could be impinged in the
cooling system of both plants each year, which is 560 million over the two
decades the plants are expected to operate, between 2035 and 2055. The
proposed plant is larger than Sizewell B and will take in 2.5 times the
amount of seawater, Tasc said. Pete Wilkinson, the chair of Tasc and a
co-founder of Greenpeace UK, said the estimates were “staggering”. Such
wildlife loss was the “tip of the iceberg”, he said, as it did not take
into account fish fry, eggs, crustacea and other aquatic life.

Guardian 28th April 2021

East Anglian Daily Times 28th April 2021

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