Posted: 11th February 2017
Add your name to this petition to be delivered on February 14 in Mexico City: click here.
Congratulations on 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, Nuclear Free Zone. May it spread to the whole earth!
A petition to the Foreign Ministers of the Latin American and Caribbean States assembled February 14, 2017 in Mexico City.
Click here to add your name.
The 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco establishing a nuclear weapon free zone in Latin America and the Caribbean was truly historic. Predating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, it pointed the way toward the achievement of a world free of nuclear weapons. And in the meantime it immeasurably increased the security of the countries in the zone, their neighbors, the United States and Canada, and the world, by erecting a strong barrier to the spread of nuclear weapons.
Congratulations! We look forward to your leadership in making the entire world a zone free of nuclear weapons!
—Initiated by: Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, World Beyond War. To be delivered in person in Mexico City on February 14, 2017, by Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation.
Please forward this to anyone you know who’s not in favor of nuclear apocalypse!