History in the Making
Posted: 15th June 2017
Dear friends,
Today we start the final negotiating round of a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons at the United Nations in New York. There’s a great chance that we will have a strong ban on nuclear weapons adopted by 7 July.
Some said it would be impossible. They said it would never happen. They were wrong.
Now some say that it will be useless without the participation of nuclear-armed states. Don’t believe them!
This treaty will make history.
Here in New York, hundreds of
ICAN campaigners are gathering to ensure the treaty is strong and that as many governments as possible participate in the negotiations.
Achieving a treaty banning nuclear weapons is an opportunity of a lifetime. Follow the negotiations here:
Thank you for your support for our work. Together we are going to ban nuclear weapons forever.
ICAN team
Donate to support a ban on nuclear weapons
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