A request from Scottish CND regarding COP26 events

Posted: 19th October 2021

If you are organising events or actions to do with peace, disarmament, demilitarisation and climate justice at COP26 (whether in Glasgow or online), we would be pleased to include them in our COP26 Climate and Peace Toolkit here: https://www.banthebomb.org/cop26-toolkit/


To our friends in the Global South in particular—if you have a message that needs to be heard at COP26, but you are being prevented from delivering it due to the way the conference is organised, visa or vaccination requirements, or for any other reason, please let us know. Wherever we can do so, we would be glad to collaborate, and to make use of the privileges we have – being physically present in Glasgow, and having some access to spaces and events where decision-makers may be present – to provide platforms that are useful to you.


I know how busy everyone is with COP26 plans at the moment, so I imagine there could be quite a few replies: I’ve blind-copied this to avoid filling everyone’s inboxes up with responses! I hope that’s all right.


Best wishes,



(Campaigns Worker, Scottish CND)

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.