Reactor approval does not justify Bradwell go-ahead

Posted: 10th February 2022

Nuclear Free Local Authorities -Media Release-Reactor approval does not justify Bradwell go-ahead
Importance: High


NFLA media release, 9th February 2022, For immediate use

Reactor approval does not justify Bradwell go-ahead

Despite recent approval by British nuclear regulators of a new Chinese reactor, the Nuclear Free Local Authorities believe that this in no way justifies giving the go-ahead to a new Chinese-backed nuclear power station.

The Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has just granted Generic Design Assessment approval to the Chinese Hualong UK HPR1000 reactor for potential use in a future new power station at Bradwell in Essex, but Chinese investors face increasing hostility from government ministers, many legal and financial hurdles, geological challenges with the site, and hardening local opposition before any development can proceed. 

The China General Nuclear Power Group CGN owns 66.5% of the Bradwell B project and a 20% stake in Sizewell C, but the UK Government is now looking to exclude Chinese investment in nuclear plants, and has recently passed the National Security and Investment Act in order to do so.

The Chairman of the NFLA, Councillor David Blackburn, said:

“This proposal is in its infancy and it is our hope that, despite the ONR giving the green light to the reactor, the other challenges will prevent the Chinese, or indeed any other investor, pursuing a nuclear development at Bradwell.  

“New nuclear is not wanted in Bradwell and it is the NFLA’s belief that it is not needed anywhere in Britain. It is simply too costly, takes too long, represents too great a risk, will be hugely damaging to the natural environment, and leaves a massive and costly legacy of nuclear decommissioning and nuclear waste.  

“Nuclear should play no part in Britain’s approach to addressing climate change or making the future energy needs of our citizens – instead investment in renewables represents the future.”


For more information please contact: Richard Outram, Secretary, NFLA email [email protected]  / mobile 07583 097793

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