ICAN statement on Putin placing Russian nuclear weapons on high alert

Posted: 28th February 2022

Hi all,


A couple of hours ago, Putin announced that he’s placing nuclear weapons on high alert.



Feel free to share and translate as needed. It was so encourqaging to see how campaigners translated the last one so quickly and I’ve been following the work you do on social media and I’m so grateful for being part of this global movement in times like this.


And I hope you all are taking care of yourselves right now. This is a very difficult time, and it takes a toll on everyone. We are all of course first thinking of the people in Ukraine that are suffering immensely from this war, but I also want to recognize that the kind of work we do in this campaign is always quite difficult and heavy, but extra hard right now. So I just want to send lots of love to you who are working for peace and disarmament, it’s a difficult time but our work is so important and we need to make sure we take care of ourselves in order to keep doing it.


With much love and hopes for peace,




Beatrice Fihn
Executive Director
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Nobel Peace Prize 2017
Tel: +41 22 788 20 63

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.