Declassified UK

Posted: 28th July 2022

In case you missed it…
Last week we brought you new investigations from Richard Norton-Taylor, who looked into allegations that MI5 and officers and sections of the media sought to bring down Britain’s Labour government in the 1960s and 70s, raising fresh questions about plots that remain hidden behind a wall of official secrecy.

John McEvoy published his latest from the archives showing how in 1988, a US Navy warship shot down an Iranian airliner, killing all 290 civilians on board and how Thatcher’s government offered immediate support to the US, and assisted in the cover-up.
Finally we brought you an exclusive DCUK debut from Professor Noam Chomsky, the world’s leading public intellectual, who says the handover of global imperial power from Britain to the US is at the root of the UK’s continued persecution of Julian Assange.

If you can afford to become a member, please consider joining. Not only will you get access to our weekly INTEL report, briefing all the goings on in the world of UK military, intelligence and foreign policies.
Blowback: The Road to Manchester
After months of investigation, interviews and FOI requests, we’re ready to launch our latest film, Blowback: The Road to Manchester. 

It’s thanks to those who donated to our Crowdfunder and our Declassified Members that we were able to invest so much time into making this documentary.

If you have a subscription as a Declassified UK member or if you donated to our Crowdfunder, you’ll get exclusive early access to the film on Wednesday – keep an eye out for your email invitation!

If not, and you want to watch this groundbreaking documentary before everyone else sign up below and we’ll email you an invite.
Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.