More insights into Nuclear Fusion

Posted: 23rd December 2022

Nuclear fusion

You report on the alleged “breakthrough” on nuclear fusion, in which US researchers claim that break-even has been achieved. To go from break-even, where energy output is greater than total energy input, to a commercial nuclear fusion reactor could take at least 25 years. By then the whole world could be powered by safe and clean renewable energy, primarily solar and wind.

The claim by the researchers that nuclear fusion is safe and clean is incorrect. Laser fusion, particularly as a component of a fission-fusion hybrid reactor, can produce neutrons that can be used to produce the nuclear explosives plutonium-239, uranium-235 and uranium -233. It could also produce tritium, a form of heavy hydrogen which is used to boost the explosive power of a fission explosion, making fission bombs smaller and hence more suitable for use in missile warheads. This information is available in open research literature.

The US National Ignition Facility, which did the research is part of the Lawrence Livermore national Laboratory, which has a history of involvement with nuclear weaponry.

Dr Mark Diesendorf

University of South Wales.

Letter page – The Guardian 20th December 2022.

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