Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023

Posted: 9th January 2023


Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest

The scheme to convert closed US coal plant sites into new nuclear ones is another sad reflection of climate failure, corporate control and clinging to obsolescence, writes Linda Pentz Gunter. And, while it began with Atoms for Peace, it could end in nuclear war. Alfred Meyer gives us the history on the self-sustaining connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

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A colossal waste of time and $$$

The US Department of Energy is proposing to convert closed coal plants into nuclear power plants instead, using (wasting) our money and precious time to do it. With a snappy acronym - C2N - Coal to Nuclear is more like CPR for the ailing and failing nuclear power industry. Dangled as a jobs opportunity it is, instead, a betrayal of those needing work. MORE

The not-so-peaceful atom

Atoms for Peace effectively repackaged a military nuclear enterprise into a civilian one, writes Alfred Meyer. That gave nuclear power the patina of social acceptance, and the US nuclear infrastructure got new business and growth, which supported more nuclear weapons and nuclear Navy programs. This leaves the nuclear power-nuclear weapons link dangerously intact. MORE

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