Posted: 27th January 2023
Marine scientists from more than 100 organizations have joined the Pacific Islands Forum in strong condemnation of Japan’s plans to dump radioactive water into the ocean. ICAN has mapped the more than 2,000 atomic tests conducted around the world on a new interactive website.
Visit our WebsiteMarine scientists condemn Japan
The more than 100 members of the National Association of Marine Laboratories argue that the science is flawed and the decision premature for Japan to dump 1.3 million tons of liquid radioactive water from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear site into the Pacific Ocean. Their voices lend support to Pacific islanders who also decry the plan, having already been the unwitting and unwilling victims of radioactive poisoning from atomic testing. READ MORE
A map of the atomic world
A new map from ICAN showing every atomic detonation around the world is accompanied by the stories of those who lived through them, opposed them, and work today for a complete nuclear weapons ban. ICAN encourages users to click on a region and learn from the pop-up information about the true extent of the damage and harm caused to people and the environment. READ MORE
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