Hilda Murrell, RadWaste Campaigner: Murdered in Disputed Circumstances in 1984

Posted: 5th February 2023

Taking up Hilda’s Torch: Robert Green’s account of his contribution to the

1988/9 Hinkley C Inquiry. This is an interesting insight both into the
Inquiry and the background to nuclear power in the UK. The information and
comments are as relevant today as they were all those years ago. Taking Up
Hilda’s Torch. Hilda Murrell (born in 1906) was a British rose grower,
naturalist, diarist and campaigner against nuclear power and nuclear
weapons. She was murdered in 1984 in disputed circumstances. Having
predicted the 1973 oil crisis, Murrell became increasingly concerned by the
hazards posed by nuclear energy and weapons. She began to research this
highly technical field and in 1978 wrote a paper entitled “What Price
Nuclear Power?” in which she challenged the economics of the civil
nuclear industry. After the 1979 US accident at Three Mile Island, she
turned her attention to safety aspects and homed in on the problem of
radioactive waste, the disposal of which she concluded was the industry’s
Achilles’ heel.

Stop Hinkley 4th Feb 2023


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