Declassified UK

Posted: 10th July 2023

In Case You Missed It

Will Boris Johnson’s ‘clear and unambiguous’ breach of the rules governing job offers to ministers finally force Whitehall to transform a process plagued by conflicts of interest?


An undercover unit of the Metropolitan Police, together with MI5, for decades monitored and infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party while, by contrast, a “high level policy decision” was taken not to infiltrate the neo-Nazi National Front.


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The biggest security problem we face is climate breakdown – but current UK “defence” policy is hopelessly unfocused on this, still prioritising offensive military operations, expensive irrelevant equipment and remaining a global power.


As England and Wales’ senior public prosecutor, Keir Starmer accepted more hospitality from Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers than the rest of the British press combined, indicating his current cultivation of the Murdoch media is a long-term project.


NATO firing this banned weapon in the Balkans.


Today’s Article

Britain and its partners such as the US are imposing economic sanctions on dozens of governments they don’t like, but some individuals in Nicaragua are being targeted on the basis of little or no evidence.

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