Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest, MONDAY, JULY 24, 2023

Posted: 24th July 2023

As states get ready for a preparatory conference of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in Vienna this month, Reaching Critical Will has an important message: nuclear energy is not an “inalienable right” but a wrong that should be righted by its own abolition. And a delegation of four people with direct experience of atomic testing made their appeal to members of the Australian parliament.

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Not peaceful and not safe

In a handbook prepared for the NPT PrepCom, Reaching Critical Will reminds delegates that nuclear power is not a solution to climate change. Further, it contains the inherent potential for catastrophe. There is no such thing as a safe reactor and every aspect of the nuclear fuel chain, from mining uranium to storing waste, is devastating for the earth and all species living upon it. READ MORE

The horrors of nuclear testing

Representatives from Indigenous and atomic veterans communities spoke to the Australian parliament about the long-term health consequences they or their relatives have endured as a result of atomic testing. They also appealed to the Australian government to join the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. ICAN Australia’s Gem Romuld reports on their visit, including supportive speeches by some parliamentarians. READ MORE

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