Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September 11, 2023

Posted: 11th September 2023

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Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann / Pixabay.

The hype, peril, and promise of artificial intelligence

On behalf of the Bulletin’s Editor-in-Chief John Mecklin, ChatGPT-3.5 wrote this introduction to the September issue of our premium magazine on the advantages and risks of expanding artificial intelligence. ​​​​​Read more.

The US cancels a controversial virus-hunting program

After doubling down on the controversial strategy of hunting for new animal viruses that could pose pandemic risks before they caused outbreaks, the US government quietly shuttered a program meant to find thousands of new pathogens. Read more.

If you worry about humanity, you should be more scared of humans than AI

Advances in AI have prompted extensive public concern about its capacity to contribute to the spread of misinformation, bias, and cybersecurity breaches. However, two professors argue that AI can help mitigate risks to humanity. Read more.

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New magazine issue: The hype, peril, and promise of artificial intelligence

Can AI be managed, so the positives of its use far outweigh the negatives?

The latest Bulletin magazine issue aims to answer that question, with commentary from leading experts that are working to confront the multifaceted dimensions of AI.

How is climate change impacting hurricane season? It’s complicated

The Bulletin spoke to a senior scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who studies tropical cyclones about how the climate crisis is impacting the frequency and intensity of hurricanes. ​​​​Read more.

“Artificial intelligence’s potential is being assessed by governments who also recognise it as a field with profound economic and national security advantages. But social media stands apart. It’s so embedded in our daily habits, it’s much harder to approach.”

— Chris Zappone, digital foreign editor, “Why haven’t we regulated social media yet?” The Sydney Morning Herald


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