Declassified UK

Posted: 9th October 2023

In Case You Missed It

An independent journalist who writes about Kurdish issues was detained at Luton airport by police under the Terrorism Act. He believes the UK police are acting at the behest of Turkey’s authoritarian state – a major recipient of British arms.


A British company’s recent legal victory over Italy’s ban on oil exploration shows how a mechanism allowing multinational corporations to sue states is impeding action against fossil fuels interests.


As independence movements swept the globe in the 1950s, two men proposed an international legal system to protect foreign investors. Their idea, now realised, is the key mechanism multinational corporations are using to challenge government policies around the world.


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The Ukraine conflict is but the most recent case where UK policy-makers and weapons manufacturers seek commercial opportunities from devastating wars – often by arming both sides.


Today’s Article

Documents on Keir Starmer’s high-level meetings in the US while he oversaw Julian Assange’s possible extradition to Sweden have been removed from the public record – but the CPS tells Declassified it doesn’t even know what it has destroyed.


The British government says it ‘stands by Israel’ and condemns Hamas ‘terrorism’ against it. But Hamas is being funded by Qatar, with whom the Royal Air Force operates two joint squadrons, allowing the Gulf regime to have a military base in northern England.

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