Declassified UK

Posted: 7th November 2023

In Case You Missed It

My aunt was murdered by British crown forces. Their commander-in-chief cannot let his men get away with it.


Conservative and Labour governments supported Baghdad’s brutal attack on the Kurds 60 years ago, knowing it may have constituted genocide, declassified files show.


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The Conservatives used to be cautious about assisting Israel with counter-terrorism, in sharp contrast to the party’s current leadership, declassified files show.


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The UK military and intelligence services may be aiding Israel’s attack on Gaza in at least seven ways. It is vital the International Criminal Court question Rishi Sunak, James Cleverly and Grant Shapps about this support.


The British mainstream media operate a hierarchy of human life, where Palestinian lives are not worth as much as Israelis. They misinform the public and delegitimise the Palestinian struggle – and are complicit in Israel’s war crimes.


Today’s Article

“What other disasters need to happen before a ceasefire is enforced with steps towards accountability for all the genocide cheerleaders?”, asks Shahd Abusalama.

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