Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 30, 2023

Posted: 30th November 2023

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Illustration credit: Pinkeyes/Adobe Stock.

AI and the future of warfare: The troubling evidence from the US military

US military officers can approve the use of AI-enhanced military technologies that they don’t trust. And that’s a serious problem. Read more.

Why the India-Pakistan Kargil War is not a case of nuclear deterrence

In the 1999 Kargil War, India defended its territory from a Pakistani incursion but chose not to expand the war with counter-attacks on Pakistan. But in a future conflict India may take especially risky and escalatory actions, posing a test for nuclear deterrence. Read more.

How wealthy countries evade responsibility for their fossil fuel exports

Oil, gas, and coal exports are not counted when countries tally their greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. This allows wealthy nations to report progress on emissions reduction, while shipping their fossil fuels—and the pollution they produce—overseas. Read more.

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The Bulletin’s Board of Sponsors was established in 1948 by Albert Einstein, with J. Robert Oppenheimer as its first chair.

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Become a 2024 Bulletin Editorial Fellow

The Bulletin is seeking one new Editorial Fellow in each of three subject areas: nuclear risk; biosafety and biosecurity; and artificial intelligence. Apply now.

“Thus, the real danger isn’t that leaders will turn over the decision to use nuclear weapons to AI, but that they will come to rely on AI for what might be called ‘decision support’—using AI to guide their decision-making about a crisis in the same way we rely on navigation applications to provide directions while we drive.

— Jeffrey Lewis, professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, “The militarized AI risk that’s bigger than ‘killer robots’,” Vox


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