Declassified UK

Posted: 4th December 2023

In Case You Missed It

The BBC’s coverage of Palestine is regularly marked by an absence of history and context and a tendency to reproduce official Israeli government and military sources.


Throughout the prime minister’s unequivocal backing for Israel’s war on Gaza, his family has been profiting from a business that has appointed Israeli military intelligence veterans to senior positions.


The record of Conservatives and Labour on the climate ranges from dangerous to inadequate. What is needed is a new democratic alliance, drawing together people of all classes and identities who recognise the need for profound change in our political economy and social relations.


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After leaving Palestine in 1948, Britain kept a foothold on nearby Cyprus from where it now helps Israel bomb Gaza. Poet Anthony Anaxagorou grapples with why Cypriots are still unable to stop the UK using their land for gun running.


Exclusive: Declassified has been told that MI6 gave a US ‘dirty’ interrogation team information and sought updates during a British-Somali man’s interrogation in Djibouti.


Leaked top secret documents reveal spying assets on British Cyprus are integrated with “military planning and operations”—and intelligence is likely being passed to Israel to help it bomb Gaza, further implicating Britain in war crimes.

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