Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2023

Posted: 18th December 2023

Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest

Jon Queally, Managing Editor of Common Dreams, delivers a scathing verdict on the COP28 ‘Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy by 2030’, noting that Stanford professor, Mark Jacobson, author of ‘No Miracles Needed’, decried it as “the stupidest proposal I’ve ever seen.” 

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Dangerous distractions in Dubai

“Climate campaigners scoffed at a 22-nation pledge to triple nuclear power capacity by mid-century as a way to ward off the increasing damage of warming temperatures, with opponents calling it a costly and ‘dangerous’ distraction from the urgent need for a fossil fuel phaseout alongside a rapid increase in more affordable and scaleable renewable sources such as wind and solar,” writes Jon Queally of Common Dreams. READ MORE

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