Catch up: "Civil society Involvement in Peacebuilding in Colombia"

Posted: 17th January 2024

Here is a link to the recording of last night’s amazing, inspiring talk:
 I encourage you to watch it to the end – the Q&A was moving and informative. Such a lot of food for thought! We knew next to nothing about the ongoing conflict in Colombia but still found so much relevance – including surprising thoughts on why the Brexit referendum went the way it did!
Secretary, Abingdon Peace Group
01235 526265 or 07786 055195

You can also watch Gwen’s full length documentary film about the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado here: - it’s stunning!
I look forward to hearing Colin’s and Helen’s thoughts on whether we could use the speakers in some way in our projected day conference on Peacebuilding. They are an impressive duo. Andrei still works regularly in Winchester (at the Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace: ) and London (with Rodeemos el Dialogo ) and is planning to spend one week a month down south even though they will be based in Edinburgh – so it would mean co-ordinating dates.
Meanwhile they are running a series of “Critical Dialogues” on peace and reconciliation in Colombia – the first of which is on Thursday 18th – tomorrow! Gwen invited us to join: Our first Critical Dialogue of the year is on the 18th of January, please join
Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.