11,847 signatures and growing. Petition against anti protest laws

Posted: 27th January 2024

We all deserve to be listened to. But instead of hearing our concerns and working to build a brighter future for everyone, the Government is clamping down on the ways we can challenge their decisions.

Throughout the UK’s history, people have used protests to make their voices heard and win vital progressive changes – like votes for women and the working class. But under the Government’s recent anti-protest laws, many of the tactics used by those groundbreaking movements would now be criminalised.

This is outrageous – and we’re fighting back. More than 11,000 people have signed our petition calling to scrap its recent anti-protest measures.

Will you join them and sign the petition?


The Policing Act and Public Order Act have given police wide-ranging powers and created new criminal offences. These new powers are so broad and ill-defined that people can even be arrested for carrying basic items at a protest, such as luggage straps.

These laws risk criminalising anyone who takes to the streets for a cause they believe in – from racial justice campaigners to environmental activists to grieving families calling for answers and justice.

And this isn’t a one-off. It’s part of a wider, dangerous pattern of anti-democratic measures designed to make it harder to challenge the Government’s decisions.

Attacks on the right to vote, the right to strike, and the right to protest are all ways for the powerful to make themselves unaccountable to the people. We must stand up to each and every one of these anti-democratic laws and policies.

If you haven’t already, please sign our new petition to scrap the anti-protest measures in the Policing Act and Public Order Act.


Thank you for supporting our new campaign. Once you’ve signed, please share with your friends and family and let’s grow the opposition to these authoritarian laws.

Best wishes,

Akiko Hart


Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.