Public hearing before the High Court on Feb 20 and 21 in Julian Assange's continuing show trial

Posted: 9th February 2024

[Trident Ploughshares] Jonathan Cook on X: “Former UK ambassador Craig Murray details the farcical hoop-jumping and threats intended to dissuade people from watching online what is supposed to be a public hearing before the High Court on Feb 20 and 21 in Julian Assange’s continuing show trial for exposing US and UK war…” / X

Please apply to hear Julian Assange’s hearing on line. They don’t want people to hear how corrupt the court trial is likely to be and are putting people off doing so. So please apply.
Craig explains how.

Here is Jonathan Cooks application that you can use as a template.

I have just done this myself, and it only takes a few minutes, love Angie.

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