The European Convention on Human Rights is under attack

Posted: 18th April 2024

Government ministers, tabloid commentators, and talking heads have seized on recent rulings from the European Court of Human Rights to argue that the UK should be dragged out of the ECHR without delay.1

We say no. A huge 82% of the population want to live in a society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The European Convention on Human Rights helps us towards this dream – and the majority believe it should be protected by those in power.

If you believe in this dream too, support the ECHR and want to protect everyone’s rights, please sign our petition today.


The ECHR has made the UK a better place. All the rights and freedoms we’re familiar with come from the Convention. It protects all of us from things like torture, unlawful killing and slavery, and guarantees our right to protest, privacy, freedom of religion and much more.

So, why do people in positions of power dislike the ECHR? What are they so scared of?

The answer is: it makes them accountable to the rest of us. If they treat us poorly, the ECHR empowers us to challenge their actions.

For the vast majority of people, this is a good thing. But opponents of the ECHR want to be out of reach and untouchable.

The ECHR isn’t perfect, but it means those in power can’t simply do what they please without consequences. We must defend it.

If you think the ECHR and human rights are crucial to holding the powerful to account, sign our petition today.


The only people who have anything to fear from human rights, are those who want to abuse others and get away with it.

For everyone else, the ECHR is a crucial step towards a society where our rights are cherished and respected.

Let’s stand together, defend the ECHR and protect everyone’s rights. Please sign our petition today.

Best wishes,

Akiko Hart




1.    Rishi Sunak faces cabinet revolt over leaving the ECHR [The Times]

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