World Press Freedom Day: Our founder Jeremy Corbyn MP met with Stella Assange to discuss the political persecution of Julian Assange

Posted: 3rd May 2024

To mark World Press Freedom Day, our founder Jeremy Corbyn MP met with Stella Assange to discuss the political persecution of Julian Assange, his ongoing trial and its wider implications on journalism and the freedom of the press around the world.


Their interview is now available to watch in full here.

As well as this, you can listen to the full interview on-the-go on Spotify and other audio streaming services.

This landmark interview between Jeremy and Stella is just one of the many ways we can keep the plight of Julian Assange in the public eye before the verdict of his extradition appeal on 20 May. Please help us by clicking the social media buttons below and sharing this clip far and wide to show your support for Julian and other journalists around the world risking everything to uncover the truth.

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We hope to see you at 8:30AM the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday 20 May to your support for Julian, Stella and freedom of the press to workout without intimidation or fear of state reprisal.

In solidarity,

Peace & Justice Project

P.S. The Peace & Justice Project is not funded or backed by the billionaires – we rely on regular donations from supporters just like you. If you can, please consider setting up a regular donation to help us build campaigns for a world of peace and justice for the many.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.