Global Network Against WeaponsNuclear Power in Space

Posted: 16th May 2024


 View online now – Subscribers receive print copy via postal mail

Our latest edition of Space Alert is now at the print shop. It will be mailed in coming days to GN subscribers/members.


This edition highlights the links between Pentagon space weapons production and Israeli military genocidal attacks on Palestine.


In addition we cover recent news from around the world where Washington’s allies are ramping up war moves toward China and Russia. And we include stories and photos of peace groups around the globe opposing these dangerous war preparations.


We’ve posted Space Alert to our website where you can view it in full-color here.


We’d appreciate if you’d share this email with your local lists so that others can see Space Alert and learn more about our efforts to Keep Space for Peace.


If you’d like extra printed copies of the newsletter to share then let me know at [email protected]


Your donation will help us print and mail the newsletter – postage prices even for non-profits keep rising these days. 


Best wishes to all.


Bruce K. Gagnon

GN Coordinator


View all of our social media links at




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Free Palestine! Stop weapons transfers to Israel!


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Join us in DC in July to say ‘No to NATO




‘Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.’

~ Henry David Thoreau


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Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
P.O. Box 652

Brunswick, ME 04011
[email protected]

(207) 844-8187

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.