Barclays Bank is financing and profiting from the production of weaponry used in Israel’s genocide in Gaza..

Posted: 17th June 2024

Dear friends

Barclays Bank, found on so many British High Streets, is financing and profiting from the production of weaponry used in Israel’s genocide in Gaza..

A new joint report out this weekco-produced by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, War on Want, and CAAT shows that:

  • Barclays now holds over £2 billion in shares of companies whose weaponscomponents and military technology have been used in Israel’s attacks against Palestinians
  • Barclays provides £6.1 billion in loans and underwriting to these arms and military technology companies

It is also the target of a major consumer campaign saying Boycott Barclays over its arms trade and climate emergency fueling investments: hundreds of campaigners have pledged to close their accounts. In addition, Barclays branches have been picketed up and down Britain.

Find out more by downloading the report, and join the campaign to tell Barclays to stop financing apartheid and genocide.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Kirsten Bayes
Campaign Against Arms Trade

Barclays arming apartheid

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.