CND Press Digest: Wednesday 19th June 2024

Posted: 19th June 2024

Global Nukes

  • New article on the CND website about Jens Stoltenberg’s remarks about NATO increasing its number of operational nuclear weapons.
  • The Guardian: Former Trump national security adviser urges resumption of nuclear testing. Robert O’Brien says US should abandon moratorium but experts say proposal would hasten global nuclear arms race.
  • Al Jazeera Inside StoryIs a nuclear conflict possible?
  • Samuel Ramani writes for the Telegraph: Russia will use nukes regardless of whether we arm Ukraine. Western ‘escalation’ will not determine if Putin pushes the red button. Battlefield delays, internal politics, and China will.
  • The MetroMap shows where all the world’s nuclear weapons are.
  • StatistaNuclear weapon spending on the rise.


  • Dave Webb writes for Labour Outlook on thew planned US ‘Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability’ (DARC) system for Wales and the new campaign formed to resist it, PARC Against DARC.

UK Nuclear Power

  • Strike action on Wednesday 19 June by around 600 Unite members employed by Nuclear Restoration Services Limited (NRS) at Dounreay nuclear power station has been suspended to allow workers to be balloted on a new pay offer. Unite can confirm that an overtime ban and an end to working voluntary appointments will continue during the ballot process. If the new offer is rejected by the membership, fresh strike action will be announced.

Nuclear Power

  • Energy News: Leaders of Europe’s nuclear industry have published a manifesto to guide the new European Commission, underlining the importance of nuclear power for secure, affordable energy.
  • Asahi Shimbun: A specialized device resembling a fishing rod will be used to “hook” tiny bits of melted nuclear fuel debris from one of three damaged reactors at the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
  • The Guardian AustraliaThe federal Coalition’s climate and energy policy is in disarray, with a senior Liberal contradicting the Nationals’ anti-renewables push and the Queensland LNP leader ruling out allowing nuclear energy in that state. After the Nationals further undermined the push for net zero by 2050 by claiming the Coalition would “cap” investment in large-scale renewable energy, the Liberal leader in the Senate, Simon Birmingham, declared on Tuesday it is an “important part of the mix”. More coverage on the Coalition’s nuclear power plan here.
  • Former Aussie PM Malcolm TurnbullThe Coalition’s nuclear power plan offers the worst of all energy worlds: higher emissions and higher electricity costs

Middle East / North Africa

  • Axios: US and Israel assessing new intelligence about Iran nuclear models.
  • War with Iran: Israel’s legal obligation to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons.

AUKUS / Asia-Pacific

  • The InterpreterNuclear subs, nuclear power could nuclear weapons be next? The Australian public has shown a willingness to go along with what was once unthinkable.
  • Naval TechnologyUS and UK industry further entrench in AUKUS attack submarine programme. The formation of H&B Defence by HII and Babcock to develop Australia’s nuclear sustainment capability follows the earlier announcement that BAE Systems and ASC will build the new AUKUS-SSN submarines.



Pádraig McCarrick


Press and Communications Officer

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.