Unfold Zero newsletter

Posted: 24th June 2024

UNFOLD ZERO Newsletter

Also: LAW not War short update
and Just Institutions ImPACT Coalition meeting, June 25


States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will be meeting at the United Nations in Geneva from July 22-August 2, 2024 to discuss nuclear war prevention, non-proliferation and disarmament. This will be a Preparatory Committee Meeting (Prep Com) for the 2026 NPT Review Conference.

The NPT Prep Com comes at a time when the world is embroiled in devastating armed conflicts, an erosion of multilateralism and the rule of law, a renewed nuclear arms race, and specific threats to use nuclear weapons.

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), a partner in UNFOLD ZERO, has released Turn Back the Doomsday Clock, a parliamentary appeal which will be presented to the NPT Prep Com with nine specific proposals to governments to elevate common security and the rule of law, prevent nuclear war, resolve international conflicts peacefully, advance nuclear disarmament and also to protect the climate for current and future generations.

The appeal – which is available in EnglishFrenchGerman and Japanese - is open for endorsement by current and former members of parliament/congress. Please encourage your parliamentarian/legislator to endorse. 
Replace nuclear deterrence with common security

Our predominant security framework should be common security – which focuses on resolving international conflicts and protecting our future through diplomacy, cooperation and the rule of law – and environmental security, rather than on provocative nuclear weapons policies, conventional arms races and threats to use force.

Better use of common security mechanisms to ensure national and regional security – such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice – will enable countries to phase out the reliance on nuclear deterrence, reduce the reliance on military defense and liberate resources to support climate protection and sustainable development.

Excerpt from Turn Back the Doomsday Clock, Parliamentary Appeal to the 2024 NPT Prep Com

LAW not War short update

At the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, members of LAW not War joined with others to establish an ImPACT Coalition on Just Institutions and the International Court of Justice. The first convocation (international meeting) for the coalition is on June 25. Details below.

Since our May 22 update, the following has taken place at the International Court of Justice:

Invitation to the Inaugural Convocation of the ImPACT Coalition

Tuesday June 25 / Online

The ImPACT coalition on Just Institutions and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was established by LAW not War members and others at the 2024 UN Civil Society Conferencein Nairobi to advance the role of the ICJ, and other international/regional courts and tribunals, in the run-up to the UN Summit of the Future in September.

The Coalition supports the universality and effectiveness of global judicial architecture, including the International Court of Justice, which is the primary means for the pacific resolution of disputes among States; the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has been called “the hope of humanity to end impunity”; the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS); and newly contemplated institutions such as an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC) and an International Court for the Environment that would work effectively with regional and domestic systems.
The Coalition aims to work collaboratively with other ImPACT coalitions, as well as established networks like the Coalition for the ICC and the complementary campaign Legal Alternatives to War (LAW not War).

Join the inaugural convocation on June 25:

The convocation will be held in two sessions with an identical agenda to enable broad participation across time zones. The main agenda item will be discussion of the ImPACT Coalition provisional workplan.
Registration for Session 1
Timed for Asia/Pacific

Tuesday June 25: 5am UTC, 9am Tbilisi/ 11am Dhaka/ 12noon Bangkok/ 2pm Tokyo/ 3pm Canberra and 5pm Wellington (7pm Honolulu on June 24).

Registration for Session 2:
Timed for the Americas/Africa/Europe/Middle East
Tuesday June 25: 8am PST/ 11am Eastern Time USA / 3pm UTC/ 5pm Central Europe Time and 6pm NairobiYours sincerely

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.