Catch Up: Campaign Against Arms Trade at 50: Adapting resistance to a changing world.

Posted: 28th June 2024

Dear Friends,

Did you miss the CAAT@50 lecture last week?

Dr Sam Perlo-Freeman, CAAT’s research coordinator, was invited to present a special lecture at the LSE Library entitled Campaign Against Arms Trade at 50: Adapting resistance to a changing world.

If you weren’t able to be part of the lively audience, you can now watch the recording on YouTube by clicking this button

The lecture is part of a series of events at the LSE Library this year – our 50th anniversary of resisting the arms trade – and we are grateful for the opportunity offered by them to share our story. We are also part of the LSE Library’s exhibition A Say in the End of the World: Solidarity and Nuclear Defence in the Cold War; do visit this before it ends on 15th September.

The LSE Library is now home to our extensive archive of written documents, images and campaigning artefacts; this important collection will be available for all to browse when cataloguing is complete. The launch should be around our birthday in mid-November.

The lecture was chaired by Dr Luc-Andre Brunet, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary International History at the Open University and Co-Director of the Peace and Security Project at LSE IDEAS.

View the lecture on the LSE’s YouTube channel.

With best wishes from all at CAAT,


Charles Wright
Supporter Development Manager

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.