Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest, MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024

Posted: 1st July 2024

Drawing on the words of Hannah Arendt, two peace activists are keeping vigil from a German prison cell where they are serving sentences for opposing US nuclear weapons at the Büchel base.

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Paying the price for peace

From the Rohrbach prison, 123 km from the Büchel Air Force base in Germany where US nuclear weapons are stationed, two peace activists reflect on the necessity to upset what their jailers call the “order”. Susan Crane and Susan van der Hijden, arrested and jailed for actions on the base, aver that “even the law against trespass can be broken when life is endangered.” And nothing, say the pair, can endanger life more than nuclear weapons. It is “our right, duty and responsibility” to stand against them, they write. READ MORE

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