Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 4, 2024

Posted: 4th July 2024

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  An illustration by Thomas Gaulkin  DonkeyHotey Flickr CC BY-SA 40  VectorStock​​​​​
An illustration by Thomas Gaulkin / DonkeyHotey (Flickr, CC BY-SA 4.0) / VectorStock


Trump has a strategic plan for the country: Gearing up for nuclear war

Trump’s policy agenda if elected—Project 2025—would push the United States into an expensive, dangerous, and destabilizing nuclear confrontation unseen since the darkest days of the Cold War. Read more.

How is climate change impacting hurricane season? It’s complicated

Hurricane Beryl is breaking records as it continues its path of destruction through the Caribbean. Last year’s interview with a NOAA Senior Scientist and Atmospheric Administration sheds light on how hurricane season is changing. Read more.

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Terrorists are using consumer drones—and it’s getting harder to stop them

This summer, we’re revisiting some of our best video and multimedia projects. Today, we’re revisiting a video on the increasing accessibility of drones and their use in terrorism. Watch here.

Read our top five stories from June

  1. Can minimum deterrence save nuclear arms control?
  2. Scientists are the best judge of research risks, but they need support
  3. To protect global health security, Africa needs more pathogen research labs
  4. Why the West should take Russia’s nuclear threats more seriously
  5. The COVID pandemic spurred a revision of US pathogen research rules. Will it help?

“The climate is variable, the weather is variable; we expect there to be extremes. But it’s just that the likelihood of extremes has changed, and the likelihood of these types of events occurring is greater.”

— Alex Hall, professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at UCLA, “Why Beryl’s ‘Unprecedented’ Timing is a Signal of Climate Change’s Impact on Extreme Weather,” TIME


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