Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 18, 2024

Posted: 18th July 2024

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 Rodney C Ewing Photo Rod Searcey  Stanford University​​​​​Rodney C. Ewing (Photo: Rod Searcey / Stanford University)

A personal tribute to Rod Ewing, the man against a mountain. And my friend.

In light of Rodney C. Ewing’s recent passing, nuclear affairs editor Francois Diaz-Maurin remembers his mentor and friend who served as a longtime Bulletincontributor, former Science and Security Board member, and an extraordinary scientist. Read more.

Did Trump share his real opinion on childhood vaccines with anti-vaccine crusader Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?

Trump shared debunked concerns over childhood vaccines with anti-vaccine presidential rival Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Trump’s skepticism of routine vaccinations is longstanding. Read more.


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After the fallout: Oppenheimer’s Trinity test has US civilians seeking compensation today

Following the anniversary of the Trinity test on July 16, we’re revisiting an interview with Tina Cordova. She is a co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, which advocates for those affected by radiation exposure from the Trinity nuclear weapon test. Watch here.

Collateral damage: American civilian survivors of the 1945 Trinity test

The Trinity test took place 79 years ago this week. The site was chosen, in part, for its supposed isolation. Yet nearly half-a-million people were living within a 150-mile radius of the explosion. None were warned by the US government ahead of time. Read more.

Why cost should not be an obstacle to compensating nuclear survivors

Trinity test Downwinders and others affected by nuclear weapons testing and production are lobbying for an expanded Radiation Exposure and Compensation Act. Two experts argue that the cost of such a program should not be a barrier to passage. Read more.

“In barely 200 years, we will have altered the Earth’s climate system so much that we are witnessing its impact on the very way Earth spins.”

— Surendra Adhikari, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, “Climate change is messing with time more than previously thought, scientists find,” CNN


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